What Major Changes Have Manufacturers Taken To Make Resource Transformation More Efficient
Calculator-AIDED Blueprint
Dominick Rosato , Donald Rosato , in Plastics Engineered Product Design, 2003
CIM changing
The computer-integrated Manufacturing pyramid of the 1980s has been crumbled to make manner for a variety of meliorate models for manufacturing information technology in the 2000s. The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model; the Manufacturing Execution Systems Association (MESA) model; and the AMR Inquiry's Prepare, Execute, Process, Analyze, & Coordinate (REPAC) model all ascertain manufacturing applications from a functional point of view. Meanwhile, you can ascertain manufacturing applications from the bespeak of view of vertical markets, specific implementation models, and a broad range of functional category.
There have been many acronyms and models in the past ii decades that describe the topic of manufacturing application software. Even so, regardless of naming and modeling, manufacturers fundamental needs accept not inverse significantly. What has changed is the availability of commercial software, feel in applying software applications to manufacturing, and the emergence of standards for applying software and computer technology to manufacturing.
Today, many well-developed tools are available that can be successfully practical to meet the functional needs of manufacturing processes. Feel gained applying software and computers to manufacturing has been well documented, and international standards communicate generally accepted best practices in manufacturing systems integration. Manufacturers today can take reward of experience gained from early adopter's efforts and employ current technology with a high degree of confidence that the application will successfully meet requirements.
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Estimator Aided Process Planning for Agile Manufacturing Environment
Neelesh Yard. Jain , Vijay Thousand. Jain , in Agile Manufacturing: The 21st Century Competitive Strategy, 2001
ii.4. Enabling philosophies/techniques/tools
Broadly speaking, both Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) and Concurrent Engineering (CE) are enabling philosophies for agile manufacturing environs. These philosophies should be considered more than collections of tools and techniques for manufacturing direction. A company committed to both of these philosophies is well positioned to qualify as an agile manufacturer. Only, vice-versa is non truthful, i.e. an active manufacturer may utilize neither CIM nor CE. Besides, information technology is possible for a manufacturer to exist a "CIM organization" without employing CE or "CE organization" without CIM [iv].
CIM can be defined as interface of CAD, CAM and Direct (or Distributed) Numerical Control (DNC) with logistic information system. Its definition also includes a group of intelligent machine cells or Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) constituting a small-scale local network. Concept of CIM is based on integrating computer technology and Bogus Intelligence (AI) into a machine tool, while active manufacturing is more than focused on the networking. Therefore, it tin can be regarded as macro CIM system [three].
CE is a concept that refers to the participation of all functional areas of the house, including customers and suppliers, in the production design activity so every bit to enhance the design with inputs from all the primal stakeholders. This process ensures that last design of the product meets all the needs of the stakeholders and ensures that the production tin exist brought chop-chop to the market while maximizing quality and minimizing associated costs. Table 2 presents enabling philosophies, tools, or technologies of agile manufacturing, forth with their functions or objectives and the means of achieving them.
Table two. Enablers of active manufacturing, their functions, and means.
Enabler | Functions or objectives | Means of achieving |
Virtual Enterprise (VE) germination |
Physically distributed teams and manufacturing |
Rapid partnership formation (Partnership germination precedes VE formation and it is a sub-function of VE formation) |
Concurrent Engineering (CE) |
Integrated product/production/concern information system |
Rapid Prototyping (RP) |
Electronic Commerce (E-commerce) |
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Agile Manufacturing Strategic Options
Dr. Vicky Manthou , Dr. Maro Vlachopoulou , in Agile Manufacturing: The 21st Century Competitive Strategy, 2001
Reckoner Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) can be considered as an advanced business philosophy that unifies a company's administration, engineering and manufacturing. The data technology plays a primal role for planning and decision-making the manufacturing process. It uses computers and communication networks to transform automated manufacturing systems into interconnected systems that cooperate across all organizational functions. CIM requires a new management perspective and careful planning of each technical element in conjunction with preparation. The goal of CIM is to remove all the barriers between all the functions within an performance, to encourage marketing, lodge entry, accounting, design, manufacturing, quality control, shipping and all the other departments to work closely together throughout the process. It provides information past linking each performance task by computer, giving determination makers admission to needed information. Tasks can be performed in parallel, not in sequence. Real CIM potential lies in creating a network of people and activities to advance determination making, minimize waste, and speed up response to customers while producing a high quality product. CIM must be thought of as a strategic policy inside a company. Commitment is required at all levels of the company. It can be costly, and can require changes in policies that may exist difficult for those accustomed to the old methods to have.
Some of the benefits of estimator integrated manufacturing systems are:
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Price reduction. Information handling is the way to reduce manufacturing time. Improved accurateness and time savings can interpret into reduced costs and process time for operation. Better use of capital letter resource through work automation results in college productivity and lower cost. The automation of the entire production procedure shifts management's emphasis from supervising people to supervising machines.
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Quality improvements. CIM supports customer satisfaction resulting from the elimination of waste material from the design, applied science and production cycle.
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Greater production command. Company's efficiency increases through work simplification and automation, meliorate production schedules planning and meliorate balancing of production workload to production capacity.
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Faster responsiveness to the market. Improved product development cycles, high levels of human and majuscule resource productivity, improved quality, and brusk commitment time, lead CIM users to a rapid response to the market place.
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Reduced Inventory. Reduced investment in product inventories and facilities through work simplification, and only in time inventory policies.
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Small-scale lot manufacturing. CIM is based on pocket-sized lot sizes and offers greater variety of products.
In the past years several surveys take attempted to investigate the major barriers to CIM (Shank & Govindarajan, 1992; Zammuto & O'Conner, 1992). They include:
Managers attitude. Managers view CIM as a technology than as a concept. Successful implementation of CIM means optimization of the entire procedure instead of individual production processes. Lack of agreement the technology and suitable infrastructures, contributes to managers failure to appreciate CIM.
Top management delivery. CIM installation must kickoff from the top with a commitment to provide the necessary time, money and other resources needed to make the changes that CIM requires.
Integration. One of the strongest means to implement CIM is integration, which has to exist established consistently at several levels at the same time (i.e. people'southward behaviour and organization, product and manufacturing processes, textile and information flows).
Organizational structure. The existing structure of the organization must be altered to facilitate cooperation between manufacturing, accounting, marketing, engineering, and information systems section.
Price. Many companies are experiencing difficulties in developing cost patterns to define specific objectives and justify CIM cost.
A company adopting CIM must accept into consideration the strategy and compatibility of CIM with the overall goals of the firm. While CIM can exist costly to implement, difficult to transition, and requires a total commitment the benefits are seen in increased quality, price reductions, and faster work menses. Successful adoption of CIM gives the visitor a competitive weapon in the global market.
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Steven H. Kim , in Bogus Intelligence in Engineering Design, Volume 3, 1992
10.3.3. A Unified Architecture for Manufacturing
An integrated architecture for calculator-integrated manufacturing is found in the explicit 2-dimensional configuration consisting of both hierarchies and layers. The static facet of the architecture - such equally physical equipment or software modules associated with dissimilar functional roles - is usefully envisioned in terms of a hierarchical organization. This view is complemented by the dynamic facet of software interactions, which is usefully implemented in a layered configuration.
A unified architecture for manufacturing admits structures of both the hierarchical and layered types. Both arrangements may exist accommodated on the communication structure shown in Effigy 10-3. The side by side two sections hash out in greater detail a number of primal components that may comprise elements of such an integrated system.
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Toward a Human–Robot Symbiotic System1
Kazuhiko Kawamura , ... Duygun Erol , in Household Service Robotics, 2015
half dozen.4.ane Introduction
The robotics field has evolved from industrial robots in the 1960s to nontraditional branches such as medical robots and search and rescue robots in the 2000s. One area that is gaining popularity amid robotic researchers is anthropomorphic robots or humanoid robots [1,2]. Increasing popularity reflects a contempo proclamation in a new periodical called the International Journal of Humanoid Robotics (IJHR). The inaugural issue of IJHR is expected in 2004 and the Centre for Intelligent Systems was asked to contribute an article to this countdown event [3]. At the Cognitive Robotics Laboratory of Vanderbilt University, we have been developing a humanoid robot called the Intelligent Soft-Arm Control (ISAC) (Effigy 1) since 1995. Originally ISAC was designed to help the physically disabled [4], but gradually became a general-purpose humanoid robot to work with a homo as a partner or an assistant at habitation or in a factory [5]. We accept developed a multi-agent architecture for parallel, distributed robot command [6] based on a unique blueprint philosophy [vii] every bit described in Section 2 of the paper, along with a robust human-robot interface [eight]. Dissimilar many humanoid inquiry groups in the world who put more emphasis on human-similar motion command and efficient walking design generation, our group places emphasis on the cognitive aspects of the humanoid. The research described herein is to written report recent progress on developing ii agents, the Human Agent and the Self Agent, plus retentivity structures that enable ISAC to learn new skills. The Human Agent is the humanoid'south internal representation of the human being. It includes information about the location, activity, and state of the man, as adamant through observations and conversations. The Self Amanuensis is the humanoid's internal representation of itself. It provides the organization with a sense of self-awareness concerning the performance of hardware, behaviors and tasks. Our arroyo to robot memory structures is through short- and long-term memories called the Sensory EgoSphere (SES) and the Procedural Memory (PM), respectively. The SES is a data structure that encapsulates short-term retention for the humanoid in a time-varying, spatially indexed database interfacing the surroundings with a geodesic hemisphere [9]. It allows ISAC to maintain a spatially indexed map of relative sensory information in its environs. PM is a data structure that encapsulates both primitive and meta behaviors and forms a basis to learn new behaviors and tasks.
Figure ane. Vanderbilt's humanoid robot, ISAC.
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Hannelore Frank , Wolfgang Gerteis , in Dynamic Modelling of Information Systems, 1991
The demand for ever higher integration of application software into computer integrated manufacturing systems, distributed role automation systems, enterprise-broad information management systems etc. cannot sufficiently exist met today, equally no acceptable concepts for development and integration of distributed application software are available.
To face this problem we believe that a synthesis of three big areas of informatics is necessary: distributed programming, software engineering, and object-oriented techniques.
The DOCASE project (distribution and objects in figurer aided software engineering science) intends to show the way towards environments, tools and languages appropriate for the development of distributed applications (one, ii).
Object-oriented languages (3, 4) have proved to help managing complexity, a major problem of distributed applications. The very few existing approaches to distributed object-oriented programming have proved that a number of helpful concepts in distributed programming can exist easily introduced using the object paradigm (e.thousand., transparency of the underlying network structure). To support the blueprint a language roofing the range from high level, incompletely specified early development phases to low level, detailed description of software, has to be provided. A cardinal goal to DOCASE is to include modelling of application dynamics and animation of the model into such a language. The seamless path from early to belatedly phases and the ease of maintenance make this arroyo very attractive.
This newspaper introduces an approach to use object-orientation to model requirements in the DORL (DOCASE Requirements Language) and software in the DODL (DOCASE Pattern Language) with adapted concepts for the modelling of dynamics of the application system and tool supported transformation from DORL to DODL.
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Paul Valckenaers , Hendrik Van Brussel , in Design for the Unexpected, 2016
Once upon a time
Somewhere in the 1980s, the industrial automation community initiated the development of computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) systems. These were systems of systems aiming to integrate automated workstations into fully automated factories. In fact, this community was designing and developing systems of systems before information technology became a popular topic in systems engineering. Unfortunately for industrial automation, the results were underwhelming.
Within this setting, our research was looking for the root causes of the above. What causes smaller systems, when integrated into a larger organization of systems, to collide? What makes it and then hard to undo whatever is causing these collisions? Which aspects of those difficulties are intrinsically inevitable? What tin be done? Which properties of an application domain (preconditions) allow us to remedy this undesirable situation?
At the outset, our expectation was to detect intrinsic limitations leading to a determination that niggling could be washed. This would nonetheless be valuable whenever developers will avoid attempting the incommunicable (as an analogy of the second law of thermodynamics versus the perpetuum mobile). In reality, the research findings revealed to be quite the opposite. Although there are significant limitations, information technology proved to be possible to pattern systems improving the nowadays situation in a wide range of application domains.
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Automation, Control and Supervision of Combined Rut and Power Systems
Jozef B. Lewoc , ... Slawomir Skowronski , in Improving Stability in Developing Nations through Automation 2006, 2006
2.5 Supervision and Management Level
It is planned that the Supervision and Management Level (SML) volition enable to develop the Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Management (CIMM) systems considered (past the engineering and managerial staff of heat and power generating plants and other works ( Franasik, 2001, Izworski, 2006)) as the necessary component for optimum operation of the total plant. For this purpose, the HTTP processes in the gateways may transfer data to the WWW servers (basically) and to the other SML level subsystems. In addition, it is being investigated if it is feasible to use at SML some specialised expert systems, e.1000. G2 (Gensym, 2003), intended towards improvement of the working media product profitability.
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Software Architectures and Tools for Computer Aided Process Engineering
T.I. Malik , 50. Puigjaner , in Reckoner Aided Chemical Technology, 2002
two.2.5 INFORMATION FOR Determination MAKING
2.ii.5.1 Decision levels
In society to respond to new forces on the competitive landscape, manufacturing companies are incorporating the Calculator Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) model to encounter today's market needs.
The levels of conclusion for decision-making of CIM architectures are described in the Purdue Reference Model represented in Figure two.
Effigy ii. A hierarchical calculator control system structure for an industrial plant.
From ISA-dS95.01-1999, Enterprise-Control Organisation Integration. Part 1: Models and Terminology.ii.2.5.ii Hither and now decisions/wait and see decisions
One of the nearly widely used techniques for conclusion making under uncertainty is ii-stage stochastic programming. In this technique, the conclusion variables are grouped in to ii sets. The first-stage variables correspond to those decisions that need to exist made prior to resolution of uncertainty ("here and now" decisions). Subsequently, based on these decisions and the realization of the random events the second phase decisions are made field of study to the constraints of the recourse problem. Production decisions, considering of their significant lead times, may exist contemplated in a hither and now decisions scenario. Otherwise, supply-chain decisions can be postponed on the basis of the production decisions and the realization of the demand (wait and run into).
2.2.5.three Conclusion making and doubtfulness
Incertitude assay might be incorporated at the unlike levels of determination-making to improve the probability of performing the expected goals. Preventive maintenance tasks may also be introduced to recoup the utilize of facilities with depression reliability indexes.
Equally for batch processes, the production schedule has to satisfy the production requirements under certain constraints, and, optimising an objective role normally based on the expected plant profitability. Preventive maintenance increases the plant reliability and, every bit a consequence, the production robustness. Therefore, batch processes require simultaneous maintenance and production scheduling activity.
Basically, the evaluation of robustness of a schedule is based on the reliability of the equipment unit assigned and of the possibility of finding an existing alternative unit in the case that the unit initially assigned to a task becomes unavailable during the schedule execution.
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Control System Design
In Lees' Loss Prevention in the Procedure Industries (Fourth Edition), 2012
xiii.7.i Batch Plants
Batch processing involves non only sequential operations simply also a high degree of variability of equipment states and is peculiarly suited to CIM. Accounts of integrated batch processing include those by Rosenof (1982b), Armstrong and Coe (1983), Rippin (1983), Severns and Hedrick (1983), Bristol (1985), Krigman (1985), Egli and Rippin (1986),Kondili, Panteides, and Sargent (1988), Cott and Macchietto (1989), andCrooks, Kuriyna, and Macchietto (1992).
In the system described by Cott and Macchietto (1989), use is fabricated of iii levels of command, which are, in descending social club: plant level command, batch level control, and resource level control, operating respectively on typical time-scales of days, minutes, and seconds. A comprehensive arroyo to batch processing requires the integration of tools for institute design, automation, and operating procedures.
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Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/computer-integrated-manufacturing
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